

Whole community still fears asbestos exposure

Working in certain industries can put people at a higher than average risk for being exposed to asbestos. However, being employed in construction or manufacturing is far from the only way to fall victim to asbestos exposure. In some situations, entire neighborhoods and communities might be exposed through no fault of their own.

The residents of a community in a state outside of South Carolina say they are still scared about the lingering effects of asbestos in their neighborhoods. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, asbestos was discovered in the neighborhood back in 2011. The asbestos came from a nearby vermiculite processing plant, which operated between the years of 1953 and 1989. One long-time resident said that there were plenty of unexplainable deaths throughout the decades.

A three-phase cleanup project included soil excavation and taking multiple air and ground samples, and was wrapped up back in Dec. 2016. The full cleanup was being finalized in Jan. 2017. However, residents believe that this might not have been enough. The nearby plant that processed the asbestos-contaminated vermiculite is still standing. Although no longer in operation, there is plenty of concern that it could continue spreading asbestos.

When entire communities are affected by asbestos exposure, the impact can be widespread and devastating. South Carolina families may be unsure of where to turn for help or how to approach the financial aspect of handling the medical expenses of loved ones fighting such a dreaded disease. In some situations, victims and their families choose to pursue civil lawsuits against the parties who caused the exposure, in pursuit of monetary damages incurred as a result of negligent exposure to asbestos.

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