

How much is my mesothelioma case worth?

After receiving a mesothelioma diagnosis, the patient and family members will have to make many decisions. One of those decisions is whether to pursue legal action against the company or entity that exposed the patient to asbestos.

A common question that arises involves the value of a mesothelioma claim: How much is my claim worth?

There are many factors that can affect the amount awarded to the victim. There is no “standard amount”.

Let’s take a look at some of those factors:

  • The cost of medical care: Mesothelioma patients know all too well the costs of medical treatment. The amount awarded will need to cover the short and long-term expenses.
  • The inability to work: A mesothelioma diagnosis can affect an individual’s ability to work. Lost income can make it difficult to pay for medical bills.
  • Culpability: Was a former employer or company responsible for the asbestos exposure? Did the company knowingly expose workers to asbestos?
  • Multiple companies: If more than one company or party is responsible for the asbestos exposure, the patient may be eligible for compensation from multiple parties.
  • Complexity of the case: Each case is different – and most are highly complex. Determining where and when exposure occurred, what company or entity is responsible for the exposure, whether the company is still in operation, whether trust funds exist, the company’s mesothelioma claim history, whether the state in which the case is filed awards punitive damages, and many other factors influence the complexity of a case.

Every case is unique. It is advisable for each individual to discuss his or her legal options with an attorney to determine next steps.

Free consultation: Talk to an attorney from Richardson, Patrick, Westbrook & Brickman, LLC, by calling 866-283-5862.

How can we help? Fill out the form for a free case review.

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