
Healthcare Fraud

Driving up the cost for everyone

 RPWB attorneys have significant experience attacking healthcare fraud, a major problem in the United States that drives up the cost for everyone.Because of the pervasiveness of healthcare fraud, statistics now show that 10 cents of every dollar spent on health care goes toward paying for fraudulent healthcare claims.

If you have knowledge of healthcare fraud, it is important that you contact an attorney to protect your rights.

Fraud takes many forms:

  • Selling prescription pills on the black market for a profit
  • Billing for care never provided
  • Filing duplicate claims
  • Modifying medical records
  • Intentional incorrect reporting of diagnoses or procedures to maximize payment
  • Providing false information when applying for programs or services

You can help stop the fraud

Healthcare fraud can be attacked under federal and state laws. One important weapon in the war against healthcare fraud is the False Claims Act. It allows whistleblowers who report fraud to share a substantial portion—often 15–25 percent— of the money recovered by the government. The False Claims Act, also known as a qui tam action, allows people who have insider information of fraud against the government to file a suit to help stop the bad actor from defrauding the United States government. The purpose of the False Claims Act is to encourage private individuals who are aware of fraud against the government to alert the government and minimize the drain on taxpayers’ funds.

In order to share in the government’s recovery, the whistleblower must carefully comply with the False Claims Act and must not knowingly have participated in the fraud.

If you or someone you know has been the victim of systematic fraud, or a witness to it, you have rights. RPWB attorneys can assure that when you are doing the right thing, you will be rewarded rather than punished for your actions.

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