

Where to seek support for legal issues re asbestos exposure

The dangers involved in working with or being near asbestos are well known in South Carolina and throughout the nation. This is one of the reasons asbestos exposure regulations are so strict. Employers are obligated to keep their workers informed and aware of any potential hazards in their workplaces, and to provide proper training and safety equipment to prevent exposure to the microscopic particles that can cause permanent, often fatal, harm.

The symptoms of asbestos-related diseases are not often immediately apparent. Many do not present themselves until a decade or more after an initial exposure took place. In fact, some asbestos exposure victims are no longer employed at the same job by the time they are diagnosed with asbestosis, mesothelioma or other illness. This can make the process of seeking recovery for their losses extremely complicated.

There is no cure for these diseases. At best, treatments are often procured to try to help alleviate symptoms so that injured victims can maintain as high quality of life as possible for as long as they are able. Long-term medical care is quite costly, and many people are not prepared to meet such expenses.

Even if you were the only member of your family to work at the site where asbestos was present, your loved ones may also be at risk for asbestos-related illness. Richardson, Patrick, Westbrook & Brickman, LLC is fully prepared to assist South Carolina families who are facing economic loss and other financial losses due to asbestos exposure. By requesting a meeting with one of our experienced attorneys, you can explore all options available to seek justice and compensation for the damages you have sustained.

How can we help? Fill out the form for a free case review.

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