

No recall for Claire’s products linked to asbestos exposure

Many women, teenagers and even young girls in South Carolina can recount going to a Claire’s store to have their ears pierced. The popular chain not only provides ear piercing services, it also sells a wide variety of items marketed to young girls. Unfortunately, some of those products likely resulted in asbestos exposure.

The Food and Drug Administration recently released a warning for consumers. According to the FDA, Claire’s is currently selling makeup products that contain the toxic substance asbestos. Perhaps even more upsetting than this realization is that Claire’s refuses to issue a voluntary recall on the affected products. It is unclear why the company will not pull the products from its shelves since it issued a recall for similar issues in early 2018.

The alarm over asbestos-contaminated makeup aimed at young girls was raised after a round of independent testing. It is not clear what concerns led to this testing, although Claire’s conducted its own independent asbestos testing when it issued its 2018 recall. The FDA currently does not have the authority to force the company to issue a recall and is instead warning consumers against purchasing or using the affected products.

Asbestos exposure is no small matter. Victims can develop serious health issues from asbestos, including lung cancer and the fatal cancer mesothelioma. In many cases, victims live for years before developing any symptoms. This can make tracking down the line of exposure difficult for the average person in South Carolina, which is why many victims choose to work with an experienced attorney when seeking compensation for their damages.

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