

Fines issued for asbestos exposure at hotel renovation

Renovations are often billed as exciting changes for the future, but in some cases they can be deadly. Because of the once widespread use of asbestos in South Carolina and across the rest of the nation, exposure during renovations are sadly not uncommon. Indeed, three companies were recently fined for asbestos exposure that occurred during renovations of an out-of-state hotel.

Renovations were apparently well under way on the 107-year-old building when inspectors discovered something troubling. Air quality indicated that asbestos material had been improperly handled and disposed of, potentially exposing many people to the toxic substance. The findings were so troubling that the state’s labor agency immediately shut down construction so that investigators could look into the matter. The investigation lasted about three months, during which time renovations were at a standstill.

Based on the findings from that investigation, three companies were slapped with fines totaling approximately $140,000. Fines were levied for issues like general and serious violations of worker safety and a over a dozen violations of regulations regarding the handling of hazardous materials. Renovations have since resumed, with the owner of the hotel predicting that it will be open sometime during the spring of 2019.

Unfortunately, many companies prioritize time and profits over the safety of workers and the general public. When asbestos exposure threatens the well-being of South Carolina residents, the resulting aftermath can be more than just costly — it can be deadly. Compensation from successfully pursued civil can help asbestos victims address the costs of mesothelioma, lung cancer and other related health problems.

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