

Legal claim filed citing wrongful death by asbestos exposure

Following a South Carolina man’s death, a special administrator of his estate has filed a lawsuit against several parties. The claim states that the man’s employer and other defendants should be held legally accountable for his death. A central focus of the case is that the man’s death was associated with asbestos exposure; the estate administrator is hoping to obtain compensation for damages due to the defendants’ alleged negligence.

The man had worked at the same company for approximately 37 years from the 1970s to the early 2000s. During that time, it is asserted he was repeatedly exposed to dangerous levels of asbestos. In fact, it is alleged that ingestion of the microscopic particles caused his lung cancer, which ultimately led to his untimely death.

The plaintiff claims that the defendants could have used available substitute products rather than those that included asbestos fibers. She says not only did they not choose available adequate substitutes, they also failed to warn the employee or provide proper instruction regarding possible asbestos exposure and the known dangers of working with such products. The plaintiff is seeking punitive damages as well as compensatory damages exceeding $50,000.

As many other South Carolina plaintiffs have done in the past, the estate administrator is relying on legal representation to present her case in court. Asbestos exposure litigation is often complicated and stressful. Having an experienced attorney by one’s side often helps keep stress levels to a minimum. Also, an attorney’s keen insight and aggressive assistance is often crucial toward achieving a successful outcome.

Source: madisonrecord.com, “Administrator alleges South Carolina man’s lung cancer death due to asbestos exposure“, Lhalie Castillo, Feb. 5, 2018

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