

University apologizes for decades of asbestos exposure

Long-term health issues are just one concern of unexpected exposure to the toxic substance asbestos. South Carolina victims might also face financial issues when dealing with medical bills for mesothelioma or lung cancer care, which can also require them to take time off work. But what about when the impact of asbestos exposure is more immediate. For students and employees of one major university, questions of what to do in the wake of asbestos exposure are lingering.

Officials at the out-of-state university discovered what they called unacceptable levels of asbestos in one of the campus buildings. The building housed multiple offices as well as an on-campus preschool. Although the university ultimately closed the building as a preventative measure, some parents are not pleased with the school’s actions. Parents of children who attend the preschool claim that the university waited too long between discovering the asbestos and relocating the preschool classroom to a new area.

A University of Montana employee says he spent 25 years working in the building, and now fears for his safety. He claims that he has spent the last year dealing with ongoing wheezing and coughing symptoms, which he fears could be related to the years of exposure he likely suffered. Another concerned individual wondered whether he should get rid of his couch or other belongings at home because his daughter might have accidentally brought home asbestos fibers from preschool.

The university has since pledged its support to those who were exposed to asbestos, promising support to those who develop health problems even decades down the line. However, setting up these types of support systems can be complicated, and even victims who otherwise qualify for help sometimes have trouble gaining access. When South Carolina victims develop serious health consequences because of asbestos exposure, it is sometimes necessary to pursue a civil claim against the negligent party in order to recover compensation.

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