

Lawmakers in another state say change needed re asbestos exposure

Demolition often creates dangerous situations regarding possible health risks involved with certain projects, especially for those workers involved in tearing down old buildings. In one state, there are approximately 40,000 dilapidated structures awaiting the wrecking ball in a particular city. Whether in South Carolina or elsewhere, such jobs often place workers at great risk for asbestos exposure, which can result in respiratory infections or even a fatal disease.

Lawmakers in that state are proposing changes that would better protect residents and workers from the dangers of asbestos. One of the suggestions is to obligate public agencies to perform background checks before hiring abatement contractors. Legislators also want funds allocated to the state environmental agency (via fees) that could be used to hire additional asbestos inspectors.

New laws would also require the state’s Department of Environmental Quality to file annual reports on asbestos inspectors. Many of these legislative proposals were apparently prompted by a widespread problem regarding unlicensed abatement contractors, poorly trained workers and insufficient safety equipment throughout Michigan, the state in which the legislation has been proposed. One estimate states that there have been at least 4,000 asbestos violations in the state within seven years.

Asbestos exposure is a serious concern for many South Carolina construction workers as well as other people who worry about various products or situations that may place their health at risk. Several illnesses associated with asbestos exposure have no known cures. Anyone in this state currently considering litigation regarding an asbestos situation can request guidance from an experienced personal injury attorney.

Source:, “Michigan Moves to Get Tough With Asbestos Removal Contractors”, Feb. 21, 2018

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