
Anderson & Greenville S.C. Upstate Mesothelioma Lawyers Who Get Results

South Carolina Metro Areas

Upstate | Midlands | Lowcountry & Grand Strand

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    Mesothelioma lawyers Serving Greenville, Spartanburg, Anderson & more.

    Many workers in the Upstate of South Carolina were regularly exposed to asbestos during their careers up through the 1970s, and even later than that in some industries. Sadly, some of these workers are eventually diagnosed with mesothelioma, a rare form of cancer. Here in South Carolina, the CDC estimates about 30 South Carolinians die of mesothelioma each year. Nationwide, there are 3,000 cases of mesothelioma each year.

    A mesothelioma diagnosis can be devastating to you and your family. But additional pain and suffering, especially in the legal or financial realm, is optional. That’s where Rogers, Patrick, Westbrook & Brickman comes in. RPWB attorneys have worked on mesothelioma cases in South Carolina since the first successful product liability case against asbestos manufacturers in the 1970s. We have helped thousands of mesothelioma victims in every state and territory, but especially in our home state of South Carolina.

    Our asbestos team is comprised of lawyers who have devoted their entire careers to securing justice for mesothelioma, and we have extensive experience with every major asbestos jobsite in South Carolina. That experience is key to maximizing financial compensation from all asbestos manufacturers who contributed to the mesothelioma. Give us a call anytime at 1-866-594-8765 to get the process started. In most cases, our attorneys are available to meet at your home or another convenient location within just a day or two.

    Upstate South Carolina Asbestos Jobsites

    If you worked in a large manufacturing facility, industrial plant, textile mill, or power plant in the Upstate of South Carolina in the last 60 years – especially between 1940 and 1990 – there is a chance that you were exposed to asbestos. Although asbestos was present in many work places, asbestos products were used heavily in textile mills, shipyards, power plants, and chemical plants throughout the state. Below are some of the major asbestos job sites in the Upstate of South Carolina as well as other major sites throughout the Palmetto State:

    Click to see a full list of South Carolina jobsites where workers may have been exposed to asbestos

    Complete List of SC Asbestos Job Sites

    You can easily search for a South Carolina asbestos job site you may have worked on or visited.

    RPWB’s mesothelioma lawyers have extensive experience with job sites throughout South Carolina, where asbestos was widely used.

    Our experienced team of Upstate South Carolina mesothelioma attorneys is available 24-7 to people diagnosed with mesothelioma and their families. We will answer your questions and begin the process of obtaining compensation from the asbestos companies.

    We serve clients who have previously lived or worked in Greenville, Spartanburg, Anderson, across the Upstate of South Carolina – no matter where they live today, across the entire United States.

    Our knowledge combined with our network of medical and occupational experts will help you maximize the amount of financial compensation you receive from the asbestos manufacturers that caused your mesothelioma.

    To learn more about our work with mesothelioma cases in South Carolina, click here.

    Please give us a call at 1-866-594-8765 or send us a message through this website when you’re ready to talk.

    South Carolina Mesothelioma Statute of Limitations

    In South Carolina, mesothelioma lawsuits must be filed within three years. The clock typically begins ticking when a person knows or should know that they have mesothelioma, but there are some exceptions. Please contact us without delay to get the process started so we can build the best possible case on your behalf.

    More Information About Mesothelioma

    You might have questions about mesothelioma cancer and how mesothelioma lawsuits work. RPWB has prepared the resources below to help answer some of your questions. We are also available at 1-866-594-8765 or by filling out the contact form on this page.

    What is Mesothelioma?

    Pleural Mesothelioma

    Pericardial Mesothelioma

    Peritoneal Mesothelioma

    RPWB’s History With Mesothelioma Lawsuits

    Other Types of Asbestos Lung Cancer

    Why Is Asbestos So Dangerous?

    You and Your Case

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about filing a lawsuit

    Our Abestos and Mesothelioma Team

    More Information about RPWB Law Firm

    With four offices in South Carolina as well as an office in Edwardsville, Illinois, RPWB’s mesothelioma lawyers have worked on mesothelioma cases for more than 40 years all throughout the United States. We have a reputation for putting together strong, comprehensive asbestos cases that accurately reflect all of the asbestos products that a mesothelioma victim has been exposed to. This national experience combined with our depth of knowledge about South Carolina asbestos sites makes us a trusted choice for many families in the Palmetto state. Click the link below if you’d like to see more information about RPWB. You can also give us a call 24-7 or fill out the form on this site for us to review your mesothelioma case.

    Why Choose RPWB