Contact Kimberly Keevers Palmer
Office: Mount Pleasant, South CarolinaPhone: 843-727-6504
Toll Free: 888-293-6883
Fax: 843-881-6183
E-mail: kkeevers@rpwb.com
Areas of Practice
Kimberly Keevers Palmer Member
Kimberly Keevers Palmer focuses her practice on complex litigation that benefits consumers who have been harmed by antitrust and deceptive trade, medical devices and medical malpractice.
From investigating medical malpractice cases or putting together large cases with national implications, Palmer is always one of the hardest working people in the room. Her drive to help people is evident in all of the cases she has litigated and in the path that led her to plaintiff work. Born and raised near Chicago, Ill., Palmer grew up in a family with a strong work ethic. At the age of 16, she began work at a defense law firm in Hammond, Indiana, where she continued working through college.
Palmer studied political science at Calvin College in Michigan and moved to Columbia, S.C., in 1990 to attend law school at the University of South Carolina School of Law. While in law school, she clerked for a plaintiff law firm, and stayed on through graduation. She enjoyed the experience of seeking justice on behalf of those who have been wronged and has since devoted her career to it.
In 1993, Palmer went to work for Ness, Motley, Loadholt, Richardson & Poole. In 2002, she joined RPWB.
Palmer was very involved in the tobacco litigation of the 1990s that led to the national Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement in 1998. For more than 2.5 years, Palmer prepared cases for trial, conducted depositions and prepared for hearings associated with the state litigation that preceded the settlement.
In just a two-year period, she spent 525 nights on the road, often working through the night to craft and organize legal arguments. The result of the litigation was the landmark settlement in which tobacco companies reimbursed states for public health spending on tobacco-related illness and funded nationwide anti-smoking efforts.
Palmer is married and lives in Charleston. In the rare moments not spent working or overseeing a home improvement project, she enjoys gardening.
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