

Beth Burke wins USC law school alumni award

Elizabeth Middleton Burke was awarded the Gold Compleat Lawyer Award by the University of South Carolina Law School Alumni Council on April 21, 2016. The award is the most prestigious given by the law school. It recognizes alumni for their outstanding civic and professional accomplishments. Burke, a 1997 graduate of the law school, is an […]


Why you need a great mesothelioma lawyer

By Dave Butler One of the most common misconceptions about asbestos litigation is that there is one giant pot of money set aside for victims of mesothelioma – the insidious cancer caused by asbestos – and all plaintiffs need to do is apply for their share. If only things were that simple. Many companies manufactured asbestos-containing […]


Big Water Resort Settlement Agreement

A settlement agreement has been reached in this case. The full settlement agreement and the notice sent to class members on February 10, 2016 are linked below. If you have any questions regarding the settlement, please contact us at 888-825-9265 to leave a message for counsel. Big Water Final Notice to Settlement Class 2-10-16 Big Water […]


RPWB attorney presents genealogy of asbestos litigation

CHARLESTON, SC — RPWB asbestos attorney Karl Novak is presenting at the 2015 Plaintiff Asbestos Litigation Seminar in Las Vegas this week. Novak has spent several months researching the genealogy of asbestos and mesothelioma litigation, including the evolution of case law and the attorneys involved in it. Fresh from piecing together his own family tree, […]


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