
How Do Camp Lejeune Lawsuits Actually Work?

You’ve no doubt seen the ads on television, but did you ever wonder how Camp Lejeune water contamination lawsuits actually work? Our team breaks it down for you.

RPWB has filed its first administrative claims with the Navy JAG, the first step in the litigation process under the Camp Lejeune Justice Act. The JAG is tasked with reviewing the initial claim forms. After receiving a claim form, the government has up to six months to make a settlement offer (not likely), reject the claim form as incomplete or deficient, or ignore it altogether (most likely). After the six-month review window has expired, the lawsuit must be filed within 60 days in federal court in the Eastern District of North Carolina.

It remains to be seen how the government will handle the administrative claim forms and, specifically, whether it will make reasonable settlement offers. To date, no offers have been made. However, we believe that any settlement offers at the claim-form stage will be low and that most cases will proceed to litigation.  Once cases are filed in the Eastern District of North Carolina, we anticipate cases will move to trial and that the government potentially will use these verdicts to gauge values for future settlements. Given the wide swath of illnesses and diseases involved and that the U.S. Government is the defendant, there will be Camp Lejeune litigation specific intricacies and challenges, including Daubert challenges to scientific and medical experts. It will not be a quick process to litigate these claims. We expect at least a three- to five-year time horizon for the litigation to be meaningfully resolved.

In light of these complexities, litigating Camp Lejeune Water Contamination cases will require significant mass tort legal experience. Working with a mass tort law firm with experience representing Veterans and their families will be to your advantage.

RPWB attorneys represent Camp Lejeune water contamination victims nationwide. Due to our firm’s involvement in the leadership of the national 3M earplugs litigation and other cases, we have a wealth of experience with the unique complexities of helping current and former military personnel, including the challenges of navigating complex military and Veteran’s Administration records request processes.

We would be honored to put our experience to work for you.

The main criteria for our Camp Lejeune cases is that the person served, lived, or worked at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, between 1953 and 1987 for at least 30 days and subsequently developed: Parkinson’s disease, end-stage renal disease, kidney cancer, kidney damage, leukemia, liver cancer, multiple myeloma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, scleroderma, systemic sclerosis and major cardiac birth defects. We will also screen additional cancers and health conditions that may have been caused by the contaminated water.

Click here to learn more about Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Cases.

Start your Camp Lejeune Case Review

    Did you or your loved one live, work or serve at Camp Lejeune?
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    When did you or your loved one spend time at Camp Lejeune?

    Please describe what you or your loved one were doing at Camp Lejeune (e.g. enlisted, worked at base)

    Were you or your loved one diagnosed with a health condition you believe was the result of contaminated water?
    YesNoNot Sure

    If so, what was the diagnosed condition?

    I agree to the following: This web site is designed for general information only. The information presented on this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship.

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      With Sixteen Attorneys Named to Best Lawyers List, RPWB is the Top-Listed Product Liability and Class Action Law Firm in the State

      Sixteen RPWB attorneys were selected for the 2023 edition of The Best Lawyers in America® list for numerous practice areas including personal injury, product liability, mass tort, class action and medical malpractice litigation.

      This marks the sixth consecutive year in which RPWB is the top-listed plaintiff law firm in South Carolina for both product liability litigation and class action & mass tort litigation.

      RPWB member Beth Burke was selected as personal injury lawyer of the year in Charleston, South Carolina. In addition to working on medical malpractice and personal injury cases, Burke serves in the leadership of the national lawsuit against 3M for supplying military personnel with defective earplugs. She also represents Marine Corps veterans who developed cancer and other serious conditions after consuming contaminated water at Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1987.

      Beth Burke is personal injury lawyer of the year in Charleston, S.C.


      Here is the full list of RPWB attorneys on the 2023 edition of The Best Lawyers in America®:

      Mount Pleasant, S.C.

      Nina Fields Britt – Mass Tort/Class Actions Litigation

      Beth Burke – Mass Tort/Class Actions, Personal Injury & Product Liability Litigation

      Jerry Evans – Mass Tort/Class Actions & Product Liability Litigation

      Kim Keevers Palmer – Mass Tort/Class Actions Litigation

      Greg Lofstead – Product Liability & Mass Tort/Class Actions Litigation

      Christiaan Marcum – Mass Tort/Class Actions & Product Liability Litigation

      Tom Rogers – Medical Malpractice Law & Personal Injury Litigation

      Hoyt Rowell – Healthcare Law & Mass Tort/Class Actions Litigation

      Chris Tuck – Mass Tort/Class Actions, Product Liability Litigation & Qui Tam Law

      Ed Westbrook – Mass Tort/Class Actions Litigation

      Bobby Wood – Mass Tort/Class Actions & Product Liability Litigation

      Charleston, S.C.

      Michael Brickman – Antitrust Law, Mass Tort/Class Actions & Securities Litigation

      Charles Patrick, Jr. – Mass Tort/Class Actions & Product Liability Litigation

      Aiken, S.C.

      Dave Butler – Personal Injury & Product Liability Litigation

      Ken Wilson – Personal Injury & Product Liability Litigation

      Edwardsville, Ill.

      Jena Borden – Mass Tort/Class Actions & Product Liability Litigation

      Ones to Watch

      Three younger attorneys at the firm are recognized as “Ones to Watch,” a distinction for up-and-coming attorneys.

      • Chuck Dukes is listed for antitrust law, commercial litigation, mass tort/class action litigation, personal injury litigation and product liability litigation.
      • Matt Nickles is honored for personal injury and product liability litigation.
      • TAC Hargrove was selected for commercial litigation following his work on litigation associated with the failed V.C. Summer nuclear expansion project.

      About Best Lawyers

      Since it was first published in 1983, Best Lawyers® has become universally regarded as the definitive guide to legal excellence. Best Lawyers lists are compiled based on an exhaustive peer-review evaluation. More than 116,000 industry leading lawyers are eligible to vote (from around the world), and we have received more than 17 million evaluations on the legal abilities of other lawyers based on their specific practice areas around the world. For the 2023 edition of The Best Lawyers in America®, more than 12.2 million votes were analyzed. Lawyers are not required nor allowed to pay a fee to be listed; therefore, inclusion in Best Lawyers is considered a singular honor.

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        With a New Law, Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Victims Finally Have Legal Recourse

        For more than 30 years, the drinking water at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune was contaminated with a cocktail of dangerous toxins linked to cancer, leukemia, Parkinson’s disease and other serious medical conditions. Now after intense lobbying by veteran’s groups and others, victims of Camp Lejeune’s contaminated water have legal recourse for compensation.

        On Wednesday, the bi-partisan Honoring Our PACT Act of 2022 was signed into law. This law, which includes the Camp Lejeune Justice Act, allows veterans and their family members who developed cancer and other serious conditions to seek financial compensation from the federal government. Victims of water contamination at Camp Lejeune will have two years to file suit.

        RPWB lawyers represent Camp Lejeune water contamination victims and are investigating new cases. We are seeking veterans and their family members who spent at least 30 days at Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1987, and developed any of the following conditions: Parkinson’s disease, end-stage renal disease, kidney cancer, kidney damage, leukemia, liver cancer, multiple myeloma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, scleroderma, systemic sclerosis and major cardiac birth defects. Our firm has a wealth of experience in representing veterans, including serving in leadership of the national 3M earplugs lawsuit. Please contact us for a free, no obligation case review to discuss your new legal options.

        What does this new Camp Lejeune water contamination law actually do?

        With the passage of the Honoring Our Pact ACT, the federal government acknowledges the health effects caused by decades of water contamination at Camp Lejeune and provides compensation to people who developed serious diseases after drinking the water at Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1987. The law allows victims to demand compensation, first in an administrative process and then in Federal Court in the Eastern District of North Carolina if the claim is not settled administratively.

        In addition to the new legal recourse for Camp Lejeune water victims, the Honoring Our PACT Act greatly expands the services provided by the VA to veterans harmed by toxic substances in other instances. Click here to visit the VA website to learn more about the law and new benefits owed to veterans.

        What was in the water at Camp Lejeune?

        For three decades, routine water testing at Camp Lejeune showed unacceptable levels of toxins such as Benzene, Tetrachloroethylene (PCE), Trichloroethylene (TCE), Trans-1,2-dichloroethylene (DCE), and vinyl chloride. These substances are known to cause a host of medical problems, including: Parkinson’s disease, end-stage renal disease, kidney cancer, kidney damage, leukemia, liver cancer, multiple myeloma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, scleroderma, systemic sclerosis and major cardiac birth defects. Many thousands of people bathed in and consumed this contaminated water while assigned to Camp Lejeune.

        Click here for more information about the source of the Camp Lejeune water contamination.

        How do I join the Camp Lejeune lawsuit?

        Action is required for you to join the Camp Lejeune water contamination lawsuit. RPWB would be honored to represent you and your family as we seek compensation for Camp Lejeune water victims nationwide. RPWB’s attorneys proudly represent our current and former military heroes. In addition to our efforts to help people who suffered from health effects caused by contaminated drinking water on Camp Lejeune, our attorneys also represent many service personnel and veterans who developed hearing loss as a result of faulty 3M earplugs. In fact, RPWB serves in leadership capacity of the national lawsuit.

        RPWB is a 2022 U.S. News Best Law Firm and is the top-listed product liability law firm in South Carolina according to Best Lawyers. We have a reputation for successfully handling complex litigation that benefits people harmed through no fault of their own.

        If you or a loved one spent time at Camp Lejeune and developed Parkinson’s disease, end-stage renal disease, kidney cancer, kidney damage, leukemia, liver cancer, multiple myeloma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, scleroderma, systemic sclerosis and major cardiac birth defects, please contact us without delay for a free, no-obligation case review. You may call us 24/7 at 1-866-639-0366 or fill out the form below.

        Start your free Camp Lejeune lawsuit case review

          Did you or your loved one live, work or serve at Camp Lejeune?
          YesNoNot Sure

          When did you or your loved one spend time at Camp Lejeune?

          Please describe what you or your loved one were doing at Camp Lejeune (e.g. enlisted, worked at base)

          Were you or your loved one diagnosed with a health condition you believe was the result of contaminated water?
          YesNoNot Sure

          If so, what was the diagnosed condition?

          I agree to the following: This web site is designed for general information only. The information presented on this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship.



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            Congress Passes Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Law

            Over a 34-year period, many thousands of Marines and their families were exposed to dangerous water contamination at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune. After a long wait, justice may finally be in sight.

            Congress approved bi-partisan legislation on Tuesday night that will clear the way for veterans and their families to seek compensation in federal court for health problems caused by decades of water contamination at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina.

            The Honoring our PACT Act of 2022 is expected to be signed into law by President Biden, and will mark a major expansion of veterans’ healthcare. In addition to the well-publicized help for burn pit victims, it includes provisions that allow veterans and their families to seek financial compensation for cancer or other serious illnesses caused by consuming contaminated water at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1987.

            If you served, lived, or worked at Camp Lejeune for at least 30 days during that time period and subsequently developed cancer, Parkinson’s Disease, or a number of other serious conditions, you may be eligible for financial relief. The new law will enable veterans and their families to file suit in federal court in the Eastern District of North Carolina.

            RPWB attorneys are proud to represent current and former members of our nation’s armed forces, including those harmed by dangerous water contamination at Camp Lejeune. Our law firm is investigating potential cases on behalf of men and women who served, lived, or worked at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, between August 1, 1953, and December 31, 1987, for at least 30 days and subsequently developed cancer or other serious medical issues.

            Water testing at Camp Lejeune in the 1980s revealed the presence of several toxic substances in the water. The main pollutants in Camp Lejeune’s water from 1957 to 1987 were Tetrachloroethylene (PCE) and Trichloroethylene (TCE). Exposure to these substances can cause such cancers as kidney cancer, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, multiple myeloma, leukemia, liver cancer and bladder cancer.  Exposure can also lead to Parkinson’s disease, systemic sclerosis/scleroderma and major cardiac birth defects. Many thousands of people bathed in and consumed contaminated water while assigned to Camp Lejeune.

            Click here for more information about Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Lawsuits.

            If you or a loved one spent time at Camp Lejeune and developed any of the above health conditions, you may have a claim. Please contact us without delay for a free, no-obligation case review.

            Start your Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Case Review

              Did you or your loved one live, work or serve at Camp Lejeune?
              YesNoNot Sure

              When did you or your loved one spend time at Camp Lejeune?

              Please describe what you or your loved one were doing at Camp Lejeune (e.g. enlisted, worked at base)

              Were you or your loved one diagnosed with a health condition you believe was the result of contaminated water?
              YesNoNot Sure

              If so, what was the diagnosed condition?

              I agree to the following: This web site is designed for general information only. The information presented on this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship.

              Or call us toll-free 24/7 at 1-866-639-0366

              RPWB Helps Our Military Heroes

              RPWB’s attorneys proudly represent our current and former military heroes. In addition to our efforts to help people who suffered from health effects caused by contaminated drinking water on Camp Lejeune, our attorneys also represent many service personnel and veterans who developed hearing loss as a result of faulty 3M earplugs. In fact, RPWB serves in leadership capacity of the national lawsuit.

              RPWB is a 2022 U.S. News Best Law Firm and is the top-listed product liability law firm in South Carolina according to Best Lawyers. We have a reputation for successfully handling complex litigation that benefits people harmed through no fault of their own.

              If you or a loved one spent time at Camp Lejeune and developed kidney cancer, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, multiple myeloma, leukemia, liver cancer, bladder cancer, systemic sclerosis/scleroderma, Parkinson’s disease, kidney disease or major cardiac birth defects, please contact us without delay for a free, no-obligation case review. You may call us 24/7 at 1-866-639-0366 or use the form on this page.

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