

Rogers, Patrick, Westbrook & Brickman LLC Encourages Donations to Hurricane Helene Disaster Efforts

Rogers, Patrick, Westbrook & Brickman LLC recently donated $5,000 to the Community Foundation of Western North Carolina to support Western North Carolina’s disaster relief efforts following Hurricane Helene’s devastation. The storm caused 96 deaths and brought historic levels of rain and flooding to the mountains in late September. Our firm encourages all clients and South Carolina residents to consider donating funds or volunteer services to our northern neighbors.

Hurricane Helene’s catastrophic flooding and destruction caused a record $53 billion or more in damages and recovery needs—more than triple the previous record of $17 billion caused by Hurricane Florence in 2018. The budgeting office generated preliminary figures for direct or indirect damages and potential investments to prevent future storm destruction.

Helene caused 1,400 landslides and damaged over 160 water and sewer systems, at least 6,000 miles of roads, more than 1,000 bridges and culverts, and an estimated 126,000 homes. Some 220,000 households are expected to apply for federal assistance. Thirty-nine of the state’s 100 counties are within the federally declared disaster area.

Governor Roy Cooper described Helene as the “deadliest and most damaging storm ever to hit North Carolina.” He recently unveiled a $3.9 billion General Assembly request for repairs and revitalization efforts. The state’s coffers include several billion dollars for future recovery and nearly $4.5 billion in the savings reserve. Cooper’s request came a day before a legislative one-day meeting to advance additional Helene recovery legislation.

Damage reports project $48.8 billion in direct or indirect damages and $4.8 billion of anticipated mitigation expenses. The budget office estimates gaining $13.6 billion in federal aid and another $6.3 billion in private donations and other sources.

The agency reports that many losses will never be recovered. Few homeowners and farmers in the disaster areas were covered by flood or crop insurance. The report said nearly 93 percent of flood-damaged homes, as verified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), lacked flood insurance.

Donations to assist North Carolina Hurricane Helene relief efforts can be made through the following organizations:

  • North Carolina Disaster Information Center: Coordinated by North Carolina State Extension, this initiative supports farmers, responders, and communities with resources such as meals, fuel, supplies, and other ongoing needs in the region. For more details and to donate, visit the North Carolina Disaster Information Center.
  • Community Foundation of Western North Carolina: This organization supports non-profits throughout the region that are helping with recovery and relief efforts. Visit the Community Foundation of Western North Carolina to contribute.
  • American Red Cross: In disaster relief, the Red Cross provides emergency shelter, food, and supplies for those displaced by Hurricane Helene. Donations help provide immediate and long-term recovery assistance. Visit the American Red Cross to donate.

These organizations ensure your contributions directly benefit the communities most in need.

Rogers, Patrick, Westbrook & Brickman LLC is a full-service law firm located in Charleston, Mt. Pleasant, Aiken, and Columbia, South Carolina. To learn more about our services or to schedule a free consultation, call 843-727-6500 or complete our online form. We serve clients throughout South Carolina.

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